A Hike in the Woods

I am staying at my grandmother’s house right across from the home I grew up in for a couple of weeks. I have not been back in my hometown area in the Spring since leaving for college. When working in greenhouses,  I had no free time during the busy Spring season to get away. Today I went for my first hike and expedition into the woods where I used to explore when I was a kid. Here are some photos from today’s hike.

Sugar House

I began near the old sugar house…. Much of the area is in a cow pasture, and I found that I am not as good at getting through barbed wire fences as I was as a kid. I remember spending time with my grandfather in this building when I was quite little while he kept an eye on the boiling sap that became Maple syrup. It is now sinking into the hillside and is not in very good shape.

Dead Tree

Not too far up the hill from the sugar house, was this big tree that died and fell over.


Here is the pond where my sisters, brothers and I would spend summer days fishing. There are a pair of Canada geese swimming there now.  The cows used to be kept in this pasture, and would go up the hill behind the pond to another flat area of the pasture. We used to hike up there often to bring the cows down for milking…. it looks much steeper than I want to hike up now….


After I checked out the pond, I began my exploration of the woods. I used to love to see what flowers and plants were coming up as the weather warmed up. The first I ran across today were a few of these tiny little white flowers.
Spring Beauty
We called this little gem Spring Beauty. The flowers are tiny white to pale pink with magenta to plum purple stripes.  One needs to keep a keen eye out to find the little plants and flowers.

Sugar Road

Here is the main “trail” I took…. It was a roadway where the sap was carried from the trees to the sugar house. It is not very easy to walk it now because of all the fallen trees, branches, and other obstacles. I ended up following a few deer trails off the old roadway to find the plants I was really looking for.  I felt like a mountain goat at times…. I was looking for Trilliums and Jack-in-the Pulpits that I used to love to watch growing and even moved a few to a natural garden near our house.

Dog tooth Violet 1

The woods were almost carpeted with the leaves from the Dog Tooth Violets.  The yellow flowers were not in all areas, though.  Here is one just opening.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit 1

The first of the real treasures I was looking for. Hiding in the piles of leaves was this Jack-in-the-Pulpit plant that was just beginning to show itself. It was hard to spot these, as most were not as far along than this one is.

Jack-in-the-Pulpit 2

This one is a bit different in color from the first. Not far from this one, I found a nice cluster of this color as well as the lighter colored ones. A few more up this far and lots more just peeking. A nice find….

Red Trillium 2

Just as I was beginning to wonder if I would find any Trilliums, I made this discovery! I first found only leaves with no blooms, then found many groups of the red flowered ones. They covered quite a good sized area. I had remembered more white flowered ones than red, but today I found mostly red.

Red Trillium

Here is a good closeup shot of one of the red flowers.

White Trillium

The lonely clump of white Trillium I found. I don’t know if there are more, but so far I found many more red ones. I will probably go on a bit farther another day and may find the  big group of white flowers. I do remember the colors growing in different areas in the past.

Plant by Log

Another plant growing out from the bed of leaves next to a mossy old rotten log.

Rush Creek

Once I followed the deer path out to the road, I could get a good view of the creek as it travels around the bend with the cherry trees blooming on the bank.

After returning from my hike, I enjoyed a slide show of these photos and many more I took, and I realized that the new direction my quilting began heading in is not only inspired by the area of PA that I live in, but has been influenced by my wanderings when I was  young in the woods and fields where I grew up, too.

Mud on the Wall Not so Muddy

Does anything in this quilt look familiar??  I guess I have been influenced by rocks, mud, dead trees and flowers through my whole life.


I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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6 comments on “A Hike in the Woods
  1. Amanda says:

    So very charming!
    I just got back up to New England, and I’m already antsy to get in to the woods!

    I made do today with pictures of flowers from our garden, but I’ll have to venture out further when I’m able! You’ve got wonderful photography skills, and I just love your flower shots 🙂

  2. LoieJ says:

    Lovely pictures. I love spring flowers. They are often hidden gems. I notices my bloodroots blooming, very early for us. About 30 years ago, I planted some trilliums, legally purchased, in the edge of the woods. They took years before they really thrived, but they are there and spreading slightly. The usual trilliums here are the nodding trilliums, and those blooms are hidden beneath the leaves.

  3. Sue says:

    There is nothing better than exploring the woods and finding the hidden treasures there. Thanks about the photo comment! I love the digital camera… light weight to carry and I can take hundreds of photos and show off the best.

  4. Sue says:

    I have a couple varieties of Trillium from a plant collector’s garden in one of my shade gardens- both white- one has double flowers and I am missing their bloom at home now… Another hike is needed today…. I saw the big group of white Trilliums while riding in the car on the way home from a trip to town. They are so pretty, and I wish they would be in bloom longer….

  5. Jo Sarachman says:

    Lovely. Your photos took me on a trip down memory lanes where I grew up in Niagara County NY.

  6. Jo Sarachman says:

    Lovely photos. This took me on a memory trip down the country lanes of upstate NY where I grew up.