I’m Published on a Book Cover!!

Lymphedema Caregiver's Guide
Mary Kathleen Kearse

Here is a quick brag post…. I was contacted about a year ago about licensing the image of one of my quilts for the cover of a book. It was to be published last summer, but was delayed…. Today I received my copy of the "Lymphedema Caregiver's Guide" with my quilt on the cover!! Someone surfing the web found my "Sunflower Pitcher" quilt on my website. Since my mom suffers from Lymphedema, I definitely was interested. It is published by Lymph Notes. If you know anyone suffering from Lymphedema, you can find information on their website- Lymphnotes.com. Their site has much great information about this disease, and has other books in addition to this one available, too. So far in flipping quickly through this book, there seems to be a lot of great information to help patients as well as those who care for them. I also was sent copies of two other books they have published last year, after the publishers found out that my mom has the disease, and was really impressed with the way they were written. I learned a lot of what my mom has been going through, and gave them to her after I read them.

It is so neat to have my art on the cover of a book that can help out so many people, along with my own mother.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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5 comments on “I’m Published on a Book Cover!!
  1. LoieJ says:

    Finally, I got signed in. I had to change the sign in email address because they said the old one was used. Well, yeah, that was me, but they wouldn't let me in to VOX. Anyway, now I can comment on your blog again. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great picture of your great quilt, and even better because of your personal connection to the cause.

  2. Thanks!!! I wish it was easier for non-Voxer's to comment, etc. Sometimes I think I should change from Vox, but I really like some of their features, like having my photos kept with my blog.

  3. Congratulations Sue.
    The quilt is beautiful. To me your connection to the problem makes it even nicer to have your art work on the cover of this book.
    Enjoy the journey,

  4. Thanks!! I love the way it looks on the book, and yes it means a lot more that it is a book that can help my mom as well as many others.

  5. windyangels says:

    Congratulations. What a wonderful surprise!