Inspiration Along the Road

A few days ago, I picked up my grandson from his school that is just over 6 miles from home.  As most roads in our area of PA, there are lots of twists and turns, and many farms with old, worn out barns and other buildings in disrepair that grab my attention. This post shows a few of the photos I took along that road.

Ghent Road Barn on Curve 1

This was the view just a few miles from home.  The road curves almost all around this old barn. I took a series of photos of this barn as I drove around it. (I did stop to take each photo.) Actually most of the photos were taken the day after I picked up Andrue when I went back to the school to see if my cell phone got dropped in the parking lot. (It was found today inside the school, so I made good use of my drive time.)

Ghent Road Barn on Curve 2

A little farther along the road, with a few plastic wrapped hay bales in the foreground.

Ghent Road Barn on Curve 3

This was as I got around, near the end of the barn, where the road gets closer to it.

Ghent Road Barn on Curve 4

Ghent Road Barn on Curve 5

These are more photos as I drove along the road in front of the barn and past it.

Gent Road Falling Shed 1

Along the road a bit farther are a couple of smaller buildings that are in really bad shape.  Both the one above and below look like one good snow storm might take them down.

Ghent Road Falling Shed 2 with Grain Bin 1

Ghent Road Machinery Shed 1

This machinery building is in better repair than the previous buildings, and looks as if it is still being used to house some machinery. I like the basic “bones” of this building. It definitely has lots of character.

Ghent Hill Corner Barn 1

The photo of this barn was taken on the way home from the school, the last set of barns on Ghent road. The one right next to the road is another one ready to fall at any time.

It seems a bit sad to see so many of these these old buildings empty and ready to fall  down. I often wonder what some of the barns and buildings were like when in use, full of animals, hay and more.  Even old buildings that I grew up hanging out in, on my parent’s farm are sad from old age and not being used any more.

This was just a few buildings on a small stretch of road. There are many many more stretches of PA roads with old barns and houses I want to take photos of and eventually use in a series of art quilts. I can envision some of these printed onto fabric and surrounded with old fashioned flowers growing around them instead of the dead weeds and grasses.


I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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2 comments on “Inspiration Along the Road
  1. LoieJ says:

    Very interesting, though sad. The barns reflect an economic change in the area. I’ve seen these scenes in some areas of Wis. and Minn. These days, some of these places have hobby farms owned by commuters.

    I finally have your new blog listed on My Blogs on my blogspot listing. I was updating yesterday. There is one blog I can’t get to list properly. The internet is a mystery.

  2. LoieJ says:

    I’m trying this again because it disappeared the first time, but then when I tried to repost, it says that I said the same thing already. I can’t believe I used exactly the same words. We’ll see what happens now, with the third posting. Delete as you see fit!

    Very interesting, though sad. The barns reflect an economic change in the area. I’ve seen these scenes in some areas of Wis. and Minn. These days, some of these places have hobby farms owned by commuters.

    I finally have your new blog listed on My Blogs on my blogspot listing. I was updating yesterday. There is one blog I can’t get to list properly. The internet is a mystery.