My Christmas Prayer Answered

I am finally getting back to my blog. With making wreaths, and then cleaning house for Christmas, the past month has flown. It's hard to believe Christmas has come and gone, and a new year will be beginning within hours.

With our income, there is not much shopping done for Christmas. I had one thing I wanted, and I got it. I wanted to have my 3 sons together with my parents and grandmother. I wanted to get pictures of them in their uniforms, also. By Christmas morning, all 3 were in the area, and one uniform bag had finally arrived a day after my oldest son, at the Ithaca airport. After Aaron drove to Ithaca, and then to my sister's house near Rochester, all was good.

Here are some of the photos I took. I had to do a lot of photo fixing, due to some water spots I didn't notice until printing out a couple of the photos. My lens got a bit water spotted during the ice photo shoot. The spots aren't noticeable in  my landscape-type photos, but the uniforms really showed me the problem.

Well, here is the first of many that I and my sisters took. The poor guys were seeing a lot of spots. I am also very thankful for my digital camera. I took over 100 photos on Christmas day.

From left to right- Aaron, Zachary, Nicholas

It is a little easier to get them to all behave for photos now, but hard to get good smiles.

In the middle of this one is Andrue, Aaron's son, and my first flesh and blood grandson (we have 4 more grandkids, my stepdaughter's kids in NJ). He is really hard to photograph because he is always saying cheese and making goofy faces if he sees a camera.

As I got ready to shoot this photo, Andrue jumped up on the hearth to join in. The 2 Air Force guys were kidding their Army brother that their hats were better than his. I just think they all look so great in uniform.

My guys with my grandmother, on my dad's side.
Nick with his stern, no nonsense military look. My grandmother will be 94 in a month, and still lives on her own in her house across the road from my parents.

The guys with Mom and Dad and Andrue. I really like this one, Andrue is so interested in the book Mom is reading to him that he doesn't realize I am taking the photo.

I think it is great that the old games we played as kids are popular again. Cootie entertains all ages.

This is enough bragging for one day. I will post soon, showing what I am doing now. It's really dangerous going to a Michael's store with a friend. We ended up spending 2 hours there, and I found a simple paper making kit. It's fun to see what happens when you grind up paper that would have been thrown away, and turn it into new paper. I've been adding all kinds of fun things such as glitter, fabric pieces and scraps, threads, flower shreds, and more. A couple pieces will be perfect for a FFFC piece.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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