Christmas Wreaths and More Rocks

I've been buried in evergreen branches and pine pitch for more than the past week. So far I have gotten one order of wreaths made and picked up. I am now working on order #2 that will be picked up this coming Sunday afternoon. The first order only needed plain wreaths, the second one needs them all decorated with red bows, berries and pinecones. Most of the wreaths I make are sold to groups that re-sell them to raise funds.

Yesterday morning ready to start work. The floor was neat, cut branch tips ready to clamp in many boxes.

This is the machine I use for the wreaths. The rings have metal prongs like big staples that are clamped onto the little bouquets of evergreens that make up the wreath. I stomp the pedal, the wire is bent over.

Next is a wreath completed, with pinecones and berries added. This got a bow before it was delivered to it's new home.

My colorful, sticky hand at the end of the day. I cover my finger tips with bandages- the colorful ones were cheapest ones I found- A little more color added to my day 🙂

The last of the wreath workshop photos- A new load of greens were delivered just before the end of the day….. Looks like I didn't do anything at all. I did get 15 more wreaths done, but they are in a cold room, ready for decorating after all are constructed.

And now for the Rocks!!!! I have been taking a few minutes here and there to play with some more of my rocky art quilts. After being depressed by the rocks in my head during the summer and early fall, I am now beginning to enjoy doing these. The beading is really enjoyable- I'm now collecting gemstone chips, small "bead bugs", and other mossy, muddy colored beads to play with.

  This is my first rocky ACEO- I used little chunks that were left from fabrics used in my new larger Rudbeckia piece. It is available for purchase at my Etsy Art Shop. Click here to go directly- it is the standard ACEO size of 2.5×3.5".

This is "Rudbeckia on the Rocks" A photo of a Rudbeckia flower printed onto silk is focus of this piece. I used another of my "mud & rocks" fabrics, and did the same tuck stitching and couching of various yarns to add texture. This one uses commercial batik fabrics in deep gray and mottled green and gold. I have added tiny dragonflies, ladybugs, and a butterfly along with the gemstone chips and various glass beads. I used a double yarn binding on the edges.
This is available for purchase at my Etsy Art Shop, and is 8"x10" in size.

Here is one of the closeup shots I took, showing some of the beading and quilting. More photos of this quilt are at my Etsy Shop. To purchase Rudbeckia on the Rocks, click here.

Now that this is done, I better get back to my wreaths…. lots more to do in the next 4 days.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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