The Holiday Season is HERE!?!

Where did the summer go?? All of a sudden the Christmas ads are on TV, and Thanksgiving is around the corner. Personally, I wish Thanksgiving got more press than it gets. It seems to get swept under the rug….. As soon as Halloween is over, Christmas is the main holiday pushed. Thanksgiving gets overlooked by too many.

I do believe that giving thanks should be done daily, but the one major day here in the US that it is thought of, really should be remembered. I don't usually get on a soapbox, but this one thing that has bothered me for many years. Growing up, Christmas music and ads weren't that prevalent until after Thanksgiving. Now it seem as soon a Halloween is barely over the Christmas trees and displays are up in stores everywhere. The only good thing about this is that if you want to purchase a new table cloth or decorations for your Thanksgiving, they usually are on clearance way ahead of the day- just don't wait too late, or you'll miss them.

I do have to begin preparing for Christmas with my shops and Christmas Wreath making businesses, but I will never forget to take time out to Give Thanks on Thankgiving for the many blessings I have been given.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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2 comments on “The Holiday Season is HERE!?!
  1. Amen! In a way, I'm glad that they haven't been able to commercialize Thanksgiving. If Christmas weren't so close, that would probably figure out something!
    I need to get busy on Christmas stuff, too. I did make one pot holder last night with a Christmas tree. Need to get it list on Etsy!

  2. Lisa Brinker says:

    You do the most gorgeous work!