QSDS Follow-up

Since I have been home from Columbus, OH for a few days, I thought I would start catching up here.  I took the long way home from Columbus, so it took much longer to get home than it did to get there. Those detours will be discussed in future posts. Here is a quick class wrap up.

Well, here is what my work area looked like by the last day of class. Would you believe that I had put away a few things the day before that I knew I wasn't going to use? I don't tend to work very neatly at home either, and I tend to take more than I need for something like this- I never know what I will want to work with, and there's nothing worse than not having what you want to work with. My pretty hot pink chair is a great little find from a Staples store on the way to Columbus. My chairs with wheels here at home are very heavy and in pretty bad shape. This chair was much better than the heavy hotel chairs that tended to put holes in the plastic protecting the carpet from our paints.

Here is what the work board that was full of blue fabrics ended up looking like. I had been trying different ideas that didn't seem to work for me, until it was pointed out that I was trying to box in or frame everything. Once I tried just putting my flower photos together, things started moving along. I still have some more rearranging to do, but I think I like what is coming out. I have been taking so many flower photos and wanted to find a way to use them more in my work…. Here are a couple works in progress, and I also came home with a few more started. The photo of the rose along the bottom of the photo here, was printed onto Lutradur. It is a spun fiber that can be printed on or used in a number of ways in art quilts. It will be fun to play with. I see a new direction in my future that will be exciting! I really want to share the beauty I find in all the flowers and other things I find in the great world around us.

  Wednesday we had the afternoon off from class, and I got to meet Cathy of Moran Art and Quilts at Etsy We are both members of the Etsy Quiltsy Team, and it was great to meet her in real life. We were standing in front of my second work board with photos and some finished pieces we used in the begining of our class.

Someone in my class mentioned that there was a rose garden in Columbus… Well, I just HAD to check that out and visited the Columbus Park of Roses the last night I was in town after all my class stuff was packed back in the van. I am just showing the photo of the sign here…. Photos of the flowers will follow in another post…. I took LOTS of photos there and at another stop on the way home. They will come in very handy for the new pieces I am playing with.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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