More QSDS Fun and Creativity

Day four has come and gone, and day five is beginning….. As promised, I have a few photos to show today.

Here is an updated shot of my design walls. Yesterday began as another hot, sunny day so I decided to do up another deep blue piece of fabric with sunprints. It was later in the day than I usually get good results, but as you can see, it worked! I think I will be playing with more single color sunprinting instead of my usual ones like the pieces in the pastel colors to the left, where I combine many colors. With the single colors, the sunprints tend to be more of the focus without the distraction of the color patterns.

When painting our fabrics, we have been encouraged to just paint with no thoughts, just make fabric…. Well, I have a bit of trouble sometimeswith that, and tried this piece with the trellis cut out of contact paper and placed on the canvas before adding the colors. This may be sitting waiting for a while tofigure out just what it will become.

This is just the blue grouping I put together yesterday. I had painted the lighter blue piece upper left after I realized I had created the perfect shade to coordinate with some of my flower photos. I then had to paint a darker piece, which is folded and pinned in the middle, then the sunprinted piece in the same deep blue, but with the prints for some different texture. After these photos were taken, I printed a few more flower photos on cotton, and played with a piece Lutradur
I have had for a long time. I printed flower photos onto a few pieces and the effect is great.

There is more to QSDS than nose to the grindstone work…. There is also lots of fun to be had along with meeting others who love to design, paint and quilt. These  felt eyes were a lot of fun….

Time for breakfast….. I hope to have at least one piece at least layed out and hopefully mostly constructed. I will be playing with my blues and see what happens.

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I am a former textile artist and new pattern designer with a degree in horticulture, wishing to share my love of nature, flowers and gardens with everyone through my photos, sunprinted fabrics, and now pattern designs. Chronic Lyme Disease has caused major changes to the direction my life. I have to limit the amount of time spent digging in my gardens, and quilting has become more difficult. I discovered pattern design as a way to get art back into my life. I now use my gardens and photos to inspire designs that can be used on fabrics and print on demand items.

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One comment on “More QSDS Fun and Creativity
  1. I do like the idea of the design wall, but it would take some getting used to. I'm so used to seeing things laid out horizontally that I'm not sure I would get the same effect looking at them vertically.